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Please review and choose the subscription you’d like to opt for


  • learn all about ponies—no pony required!
  • understand how ponies think, feel, and communicate through body language
  • get expert feedback on your assessments
  • earn badges
  • build the skills needed to own your own pony in the future
Per month or £88.00 per year billed annually


  • 100+ e-books and 1000+ hours of videos on pony care, riding and horsemanship
  • learn all about pony behaviour
  • improve your horsemanship and riding skills
  • share videos of your training for personalised feedback from Think Like a Pony instructors
  • become a young pony trainer
  • learn to ride in harmony
  • earn badges as you master horsemanship skills
  • learn how to train a pony from the beginning
Per month or £165.00 per year billed annually


  • the most cost-effective way to enrich a child’s learning with their pony at home
  • receive a one-to-one Zoom lesson with a Think Like a Pony instructor each month for personalized guidance and support
  • access the full library of resources, including everything from the silver and gold memberships
  • join an online community of families
  • resolve any groundwork or handling issues you may have with your pony
  • save money on your monthly riding lessons as you access real-time tuition from a Think Like a Pony instructor
  • invitation to ‘Platinum Exclusive’ horsemanship events across the UK
Per month or £280.00 per year billed annually

Please select at least one plan.

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Tick here to receive emails from Think Like a Pony with news from our team and updates to the Club website*


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Telephone number allow either 11 or 12 digits with or without spaces.

3. Young Persons Details

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Password must contain a minimum of 10 characters, with at least 1 number, 1 special character, 1 lowercase and 1 uppercase character
Password must contain a minimum of 10 characters, with at least 1 number, 1 special character, 1 lowercase and 1 uppercase character

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